Today is the Feast Day of St. Martial

 GOD’S WORD FOR TODAY: “Lord, you can make me clean”   Matthew 8:1-4

REFLECTION: What might hold us back from approaching the Lord Jesus with expectant faith and confidence that he can change us and make us holy – perhaps fear, pride, and the risk of losing one’s reputation or friends?

PRAYER: “May the power of your love, Lord Christ, fiery and sweet as honey, so absorb our hearts as to withdraw them from all that is under heaven. Grant that we may be ready to die for love of your love, as you died for love of our love.”  (Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi,1181-1226 AD)

 1.      The Grade 10 Interaction will be tomorrow, July 1 (7:20 am-12:00 noon).  Students from other grade levels are not allowed to enter the campus.  Practices of classes with Closed Campus Pass will be in the afternoon.

2.      To All Students

Please be reminded of the following:

§  Take care of your personal belongings.  Please bring your bags/things with you wherever you go during class dismissals. DO NOT leave them in the Canteen Area, in the Guard House, most especially in the waiting area outside our school gate.

§  You are strongly advised to take care of our school facilities.  Remember that your school tries its best to provide you the facilities that you need, so please do not vandalize or destroy any school property.

§  Maintain the cleanliness in your classrooms/areas and comfort rooms.
§  Wash your hands (especially after applying floor wax) in the sink or in the washing areas in front of 8B & 8F classrooms.  Do not smear the walls of your classrooms and comfort rooms.
§  Eating at the backstage during recess and lunchtime is not allowed.  This is to see to it that the backstage is kept clean at all times.

3.      From the Night School

Schedule of Saturday classes for the month of July:       July 8 and July 22.

4.      From the Lasallian Ministries and Vocations Office

§  Confessions will be available on June 30 and July 4, 2017 at the Chapel from 7:00 – 7:30AM. For those interested, please be at the chapel before 7:00AM. Celebration of the Eucharist will follow.  Class Mass sponsors are 9C and 8A.

§  Novena at the chapel will start on Monday July 3, 2017

Schedule of Novenas

– St. John Baptist De La Salle             4:30 PM
 – St. Joseph

Tuesday          – Holy Rosary                                      4:30 PM
Wednesday     – Our Mother of Perpetual Help          12:30 Noon
Thursday         – Chaplet of the Divine Mercy           12:30 Noon
Friday              – Sacred Heart of Jesus                     12:30 Noon


– Each sections will have one or two times opportunity to be a Novena Sponsor per month.
– Students should be at the Chapel at least 5 minutes before the time.
– Advisers are encouraged to be with their class

§  First Friday Mass – July 7, 2017 at 8:00 AM

Sponsor of the Mass – Grade 7

Each section is requested to prepare 2 offerings.

§  Holy water is available at the LAMIVO (Office). For those who want to ask for It, just bring your bottle and feel free to go to the office.

§  For Mass intentions, please feel free to visit the LAMIVO (Office)

§  We highly encourage all teachers and staff who attended the activity to answer the Recolicnic 2017 – 2018 Survey form in our server.  

Please take note that you should enter directly to your browser in the address bar,     (without https://)

Please answer as soon as you have time.  Server will be open around 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Note:  Number of respondents as of June 29, 2017 = 8

5.      To All LASBEMPCO Members

Medicine services is now available through Riverside Pharmacy.  Those who wish to apply for credit, application forms now available at LASBEMPCO Office c/o Ms. Rose.  Just attach your 2 months payslip upon application.

6.      From the Library

§  To All Students: 
Please bring your own reading materials during the Recreational Reading period.
You will be allowed to borrow books/reading materials once you already have your school IDs.

§  List of newly acquired books will be posted next week.

7.      From the Infirmary

June is Dengue Awareness and National Kidney Month.

Our kidneys are designed such that their filtration capacity naturally declines after the age of 30-40 years. With every decade after your 30s, your kidney function is going to reduce by 10%.

Here’s 10 Simple tips to prevent the risk of kidney disease.

7. Use caution with supplements and herbal remedies. Excessive amounts of certain vitamin supplements and some herbal extracts may be harmful to your kidneys. Talk to your doctor about any vitamins and herbs you plan to take.

8. Eat fresh food and avoid junk.
Nearly all processes taking place inside your body are affected by what you choose to eat and how you eat. If you eat more unhealthy, junk and fast food, then your organs have to face the consequences, including the kidneys. You should include right foods in your diet. Especially foods that can strengthen your kidneys like fish, asparagus, cereals, garlic and parsley. Fruits like watermelon, oranges and lemons are also good for kidney health.

9. Keep fit and active
 Keeping fit helps to reduce your blood pressure and therefore reduces the risk of Chronic Kidney Disease. Researchers believe that obesity is closely linked to kidney related problems. Being overweight doubles the chances of developing kidney problems. Exercising, eating healthy and controlling portion size can surely help you to lose extra weight and enhance kidney health. Besides, you will always feel fresh and active.


MRS. ANALIE L. LOMOCSO                                 MRS. MARIA DEL PILAR M. LIMAS

School Principal                                                          School Director